Create a Press Release for Your Art Business

Creating and writing press release for your art business needn't fill you with fear. It is an easy, simple process that once mastered will allow you to approach the local newspapers and local press to raise awareness of your work.
An art business is easy to write a press release for as you control the dates, unlike an author that is given a publication date that invariable changes at the last minute. You have the advantage of knowing months in advance when your exhibition or events will be held.
Timing is everything when sending out a press release to the local media or national newspapers. Send it out too soon and they will forget about the event, send it out too late and they will already have filled their calendars with other events.Try to give around 2-3 weeks notice of your events. This will give enough notice for them to make arrangements to attend and fill their publication schedule. You could also ring the local press office and ask them what the deadline is for sending out press releases. If they say they prefer three months notice then send it out as close to the three month deadline as you can. Again, if you send it too early it will get lost in the pile of press releases sent out early.
Getting Noticed
To get your press release noticed make sure you fill it with as much information as possible. Do any necessary research and make sure your facts are correct. Double check dates and times so that the press are aware of this. If there are advance screenings or launch parties make sure that you include this information and invite the press to these events.A press release that gets noticed is short, to the point and includes all the relevant details. Long, boring releases are often overlooked as the media are busy people and don't have time to read a press release the size of War and Peace. They want facts, and they want them easy to read.
Praise yourself up or include false testimonies to your work, the press will easily uncover the deception and you will get negative press. Never trust your spell checker to pick up errors, they miss some really basic errors.Do
Make sure you include your contact details and if possible a photo of your work. Include all relevant information in order for the press to attend the event you want covered. Invite them to any launch party or early viewing. Make yourself available for interviews. Write a catchy headline or subject heading for your release. Check and double check before sending off any release to the press or media.Help is at Hand
For those of you that are still filled with terror at writing a press release there are software programs that can guide you through the process. You could also ask your writer friends to help. Failing that, a simple Internet search will reveal online resources that are free to use that generate press releases for you. The key is to keep it simple and to be honest. Wherever possible email the press release as they are shorter in length than typed versions. A press release is a sales document selling YOU to the press, so be bold and be loud.Business Energy With a Difference
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