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Alternative PR Methods for Artists

By: Suzie Harris - Updated: 2 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Art Business Artists Pr Methods Pr Media

Public relations, or PR, is a scary word to most artists, yet it is merely the way you promote your art business to the public using various promotion techniques. You can use a PR professional via a PR agency, or you can do the work yourself if you feel you have the necessary skills using some proven PR methods.

What is PR?

In basic terms, to your art business and you, PR means increasing your media profile in order to increase interest in you and you work. Agencies charge a lot of money for designing a campaign to get you noticed, and although they may be more proficient than you, the truth is that you can do this yourself with a little ingenuity and hard work.


There are several ways that you can raise your media profile. It doesn't even need to involve your artwork; you can do it via the back door using some alternative doors to get noticed. It may not be glamorous, it may not appeal to you, but the truth is it works and once you have been in the media spotlight once it's easier to get back in it at a later date.

Sponsored Events

Try arranging an event to raise money, such as sitting in a pool of baked beans, or worse, for twenty-four hours with proceeds going to an art benevolent fund. When asked why you did it you can drop it in about your profession as an artist etc. However, remember to inform the press about the event in advance!

Daring Stunts

Try to think of something silly but not dangerous for this one. Again, invite the press and tell them it's to raise money for art supplies for local school as you are an artist and want to get youngsters involved more in art. It may sound silly abseiling down the side of a ferry, but stunts like this the press love. Try it, you'll be surprised.

Free Products

Try standing in the local town handing out vouchers, free badges or T shirts with your company logo on. Even better think of a slogan and have that printed on a shirt, such as "I'm under the spell of the Crafty Witch". Gimmicks work, especially when sent to press offices and radio stations. People love free goodies; they are guaranteed to get you noticed.

Whichever PR method you use, remember that it's your business that you're trying to promote. Keep it simple, low cost, but as bizarre as possible and you will be noticed. Just don't forget to send out press releases and goodie bags to the media. A good PR campaign can send sales rocketing through the roof as long as it is memorable, different and is free to customers.


Be bold, be confident and be different. The only way to be noticed is to make a noise so be as loud as possible when trying to get the attention of the press, both local and national. The more outrageous you're willing to be the higher the rewards.

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