Starting Up...
Below are our articles on the subject of Starting Up. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Commitment to Setting Up Business
Every new art business is a triumph. It is the culmination of hard work, determination and an idea that grew into a reality. You have a product that you believe has…...

E-commerce for Artists
Many galleries, dealers and collections have 'virtual galleries'. In today's cyber world, it makes sense for artists to direct some or all of their sales activities…...

Finances and Tax for the Self-Employed Artist
One area of your art business that should not be ignored is finance, especially your provision for tax and national insurance contributions. Failure to pay these can…...

Find your Style and a Niche in the Art World
You have made the decision to start an art business. You think you have a skill, such as painting portraits, which you can sell. That's great, you have your niche,…...

Identify a Target Market For Your Art
As with any product it is essential that it has a target audience, the people who will buy your product. Without this target audience your business won't survive. It…...

Set Goals For Your Start Up Business
Starting any business is difficult, but the ones that survive are the businesses with a road map. Not directions to the local art supply store, although that helps,…...

Your Business Start-up Questionnaire
Before starting an art business, either in the field of art, crafts or design, it is essential that you sit down and ask yourself some really searching business…...