Your Art...
Below are our articles on the subject of Your Art. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Art and Copyright Law in the UK: Protect Your Artwork
When you create a piece of artwork you hold the copyright. The law states that the minute you have created you artwork, or lay pen to paper, that it belongs to you,…...

Creating Your Artist Portfolio
The most important part of any artist's collection is their portfolio. A professional portfolio is entirely different to that of your working portfolio. Your working…...

Develop a USP for Your Artwork
A unique selling point , often referred to as a USP, is what makes customers buy your product rather than that of your competitor. It is essential that you know what…...

Essential Artist Supplies and Art Equipment
As with any business it is important that you buy the correct equipment in order to start producing saleable goods. With an art business the start-up costs are…...

Finding Art Materials Suppliers
Brushes, paper, paints, canvas pastels, erasers, easels and essential equipment for starting an art business, just as tools, van and diagnostic equipment is to a…...

How to Get Commissions For Your Art
Commissions are an immense compliment to your reputation. Build on this reputation by ensuring the entire process is a great success for both parties....

How to Price Your Art
When pricing art you need to factor in the time taken to produce it, the expenses you incurred while creating and a little bit more. Here are some pointers to help you…...

Identifying Trends in the Art World
Identifying new trends in the art world will inject energy into your business and set other positive trends- climbing profits and increased customer satisfaction....

Questionnaire: Your Art or Your Business?
Take a moment to ask these questions and reassess your way of working. Clarity of thought, a business schedule and time management all increase your creativity and…...

Selling Alternative Art
A walk around your local art gallery will reveal a whole host of alternative art, both sculpture and canvas, for sale by both amateur and professional artists. There…...

The Art of Selling Art
Subtlety is the key to successful art sales. Study the art of selling and tailor the principles to suit your business. Softly, softly brings in hard cash and profit....

Tips for Displaying and Showing Your Art Work
Once you have a selection of art ready to display it’s imperative that you present it in the best way possible. You need to pay attention to detail or your work will…...